Tax & Legal Advisory

We unpuzzle taxes


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Tax advisory

Tax advisory includes comprehensive support in the course of ongoing business activity.


Legal advisory

We support clients in solving legal problems, relevant to their daily activities.




Read more +24 July 2024 By Tomasz Jakubiak in Company

Changes in the fee for the Agricultural Protection Fund?

The assumptions for the draft act amending the Act on the Agricultural Protection Fund and certain other acts were recently published. Let us remind that according to the current Act on the Agricultural Protection Fund, a fee must be paid to this fund (0.125% of the net purchase value). It was imposed on entities purchasing,
Read more +17 July 2024 By Tomasz Jakubiak in CIT

PR costs as taxable costs

Sometimes there is a need to cooperate with journalists as part of business activity. This is particularly the case when we want to promote a new product in the media by coordinating and editing the notes of cooperating journalists. For this purpose, a number of expenses called PR (Public Relations) costs are incurred. These costs
Read more +10 July 2024 By Tomasz Jakubiak in Taxes

Changes in the health insurance contribution?

MPs of the Third Way have recently submitted a draft of changes to the regulations on health insurance contributions in the Sejm. The draft act provides for the introduction of three thresholds in which, depending on the income generated, a uniform monthly contribution will be paid in the amount of: The draft act also provides